
Hello and thanks for stopping by. This site is my personal site, not that I have anything commercial; only to say that this site reflects my very own interests and opinions and this is the venue where they can be aired. I don’t speak on behalf of anyone, except where noted. There are certainly many people with a lot more to say, in far fewer words than I. I particularly like the insightful quotes of Winston Churchill, Mark Twain and Yogi Bera.

That said, you’ll find a vast array of completely uninteresting, yet decidedly quirky vignettes; including, my blog: My Voice. I’m sure I have enough opinion in me to piss off just about everyone, but I also have the ability to listen and have been known to change my mind when presented with an impenetrable argument. Sure, that doesn’t mean I didn’t put up a fight, kick or scream, but it is possible.

Some of the topics that I would like to share with you include my hobbies. Prime on the hobby front is that of model aeronautics. I have been a modeler since I was 6 years old. I built and flew my first diesel powered model, a Keil Kraft “Champ” that my brother and I would take out to the school yard near our home. More about that later. Now, several decades on, I fly helicopters predominantly but also giant scale aerobatic models. I am currently working on a self published book titled “Zen of Model Helicopters.” This is a compendium of the experience I have with model helicopters gathered since 1984 when I purchased my first Schluter Mini-Boy chopper.

Away from aero-modeling hobby, I love to sail on my Hobie Cat; an old H-18 that I purchased in California for a song. When not sailing we’ll still be out on the lake, but this time I will be pulling my sons on their inflatable with our ski boat. The goal during these hot Texas summers is to engage in basically anything that gets us out of the house and into the cool of the water.

Texas is really hot during the summer and all Texas residents live for the fall month of October when we are guaranteed relief from the blazing summer temperatures. Never in a hundred years would this Belfast boy have imagined he would end up in Fort Worth, Texas. Let me tell you this: Your life can change in an instant no matter what careful designs you have orchestrated. Intersections of people, places and events; fortune and failure nudging your life path in ways you can’t contemplate; no matter who you are, nothing is immovable or immutable. That’s been my experience and I hope to share some of that with you in other pages.